Land and Rural Business

Whatever stage or size of your business, our Business Law teams are here to help you see the way ahead.

Land and Agricultural Tenancies

Agricultural Law is tightly regulated by Agricultural Holdings legislation. This is a complex area of law so it is important to have up-to-date and expert advice on its impact on your business.

Our Land and Rural Business team has developed a strong reputation for advising on all aspects of Agricultural Law. With a team which includes specialists who have been accredited by The Law Society of Scotland, we are well placed to advise both landlords and tenants across Scotland in connection with:

  • Traditional, secure agricultural tenancies
  • Limited duration tenancies
  • Short limited duration tenancies
  • Grazing and mowing leases
  • Renunciation, resumption and termination
  • Statutory notices
  • Compensation payments
  • Repairs and renewals
  • Contract farming agreements
  • Rural diversification projects
  • Land Court disputes
  • Tenant’s Right to Buy

Our Capabilities

Wills, Trusts and Succession Planning

We can advise you on all aspects of making a Will, including what you can do to reduce Inheritance Tax. Making a Will can be simple, but everyone’s needs are different so it is important to get the right advice from the start. We will work with you to make sure your Will is right for you and your circumstances.

Business Immigration and Visas

Our specialist Immigration Law team can guide you on UK work visa options and support you through the application.

Corporate and Commercial

The complications of contract law are often overlooked, and many businesses are ill-informed as to how this area of the law can impact upon them. But making sure you have the right contracts and agreements in place is crucial to the success of your business.