Family Law

Through every stage of life, Robert & Turner Solicitors are here to help you with clear and practical legal advice.

Divorce and Separation

Advice on all of your divorce and separation options, and how best to move ahead.

The breakdown of a marriage is a difficult time for all concerned, particularly in the early stages. There can be all sorts of questions about the separation and divorce process, uncertainties about care arrangements for children and financial matters, and difficulty coming to agreement on key issues for many separating couples.

How do I get a divorce?

A divorce is the ending of the legal contract of marriage and you can only get a divorce by applying to the court, usually the Sheriff Court, to grant a decree of divorce. A civil partnership is legally ended by dissolution rather than divorce, although the process is similar.

If you and your spouse can agree on all issues arising from the separation before applying for divorce, the application for divorce is then undefended. This means that neither party has to go to court to give evidence for the divorce, and makes the whole process much more straightforward. You will usually need a Solicitor to draft and submit the application for you.

If, however, you cannot agree, you may have to raise a court action for the court to resolve the issues as part of the divorce proceedings. This can be a costly process with Solicitor representation on both sides.

Our Capabilities

Business Disputes and Commercial Litigation

When a dispute of any nature arises, whether it is over purchases, property, claims, employment or contracts, early intervention can often help avoid lengthy proceedings.

Intellectual Property and IT

Protecting Your Intellectual Property. With options like trade marks, patents and licensing, we can help you look after your IP assets.

Services For Other Solicitors

A partner-led service – experienced people who understand the sectors your clients are operating in and the specialisms you deliver in England & Wales